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May 19, 2023 6pm


Running Waters Equity Fund is a local organization working to create opportunities in our community to support culturally relevant programs, services, and activities in the Blue Mountain region that are working to end the systems that cause and perpetuate inequities in our community.

Running Waters is hosting our second quarterly BIPOC Mixer May 19th from 6-9 pm @ Foundry Vineyards

All are welcome to join. It's an opportunity to make connections within our community to continue the work of ending the systems of oppression and inequality. Here's a fun way to gather and build stronger relationships! We have two speakers at our event - Anyla Dior McDonald, Author and speaker and Priscilla Espinosa, Deaf Interpreter.

There will be small bites available alongside Foundry Vineyards wines and other non-alcoholic beverages.

May 19th is the night to come out and show your community what gifts you bring to the table and how we can share those gifts to reach our common goals.

This event is free and open to the public


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