Emily Somoskey
05.01.21 - 10.31.21
FoundryVineyards is pleased to announce BEING, SENSING, DWELLING, an exhibition of paintings and works on paper by Emily Somoskey, visiting professor at Whitman College. The opening reception takes placeThursday, May 27 from 5pm- 7pm and will be on display through the end of Summer. This exhibition is centered around a series of six expansive paintings. These mixed media paintings use representational and abstract methods to explore the ways we simultaneously experience physical and mental space. On a material level, her work is largely built through layering paint and various forms of photographic imagery. These disparate mediums collectively create a complex and nuanced language that weave together moments of clarity and ambiguity. Through her work she references the shifting and overlapping nature of our experience with the sensate and psychological realms; giving form to the complexity, instability, and enigmatic nature of our lived experiences (from
"My work gives form to the complexity, instability, and enigmatic nature of our lived experiences. Through these mixed media paintings, I explore the simultaneity between the actual and the psychological, the material and the immaterial, the visible and that which lies beyond sight. Domestic spaces are largely the carrier for this ambition, which offer multi-sensory and ever-changing material that the paintings build upon. Recognizable subject matter surfaces amidst an expanse of abstraction, alluding to both the banality and mystery of the day-to-day. Digital collage fragments and painted shards might reference a tiled floor, a stove-top burner, or the edge of a piece of furniture but they also point to readings that move beyond the domestic. The complex tension of their visual density calls for contemplation; asking the viewer to slow down in order to navigate, discover and dwell within them."
- EmilySomoskey
Emily Somoskey is a 2 -D mixed media artist and painter from Northeast Ohio. She pursued a BA in Art Education / Painting at The University of Akron in Akron, OH (2013) and her MFA at Michigan State University, in East Lansing, MI (2020). Emily is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor in Painting at Whitman College, in Walla Walla, WA.